I love MuseScore 4. It’s great for laying things out and overall balance, and their free Muse Sounds are fantastic. For the past three tracks I’ve completed, 75 percent of the work has been in MS4.
I found fewer photo opportunities in London and England than in Iceland, but it was a memorable trip nonetheless.
It was no surprise to me when remote learning hit our house in March and our oldest viewed due dates as the day he needed to start working on the assignment. I had to get creative to change that viewpoint.
I lost track of how many times my son watched the original How To Train Your Dragon movie. What surprised me was that I was right there next to him for nearly every showing, and nearly all of those viewings were voluntary.
I took and embarrassing amount of photos during our week in Iceland, but nobody who has visited the island will blame me.
Here are some supplemental lessons I learned, and by “lessons,” I usually mean ´’mistakes’ or ‘misconceptions’ that tripped me up. None of them are life-changing or groundbreaking, but if even one of these manages to save you a headache, then great.
I found our family’s new favorite pick-up-and-play favorite in Calliope Game’s Roll For It!.
My wife’s family met for a week long vacation in a rural Kentucky house. Heavy rains our first night flooded a nearby stream.
Photos from Bridal Cave near Camdenton, Missouri in the Lake of the Ozarks region.
My hometown of Plano, IL has experienced a lot in the last 20 years. Perhaps the coolest development occurred in the summer of 2011, when Plano doubled as Smallville, Kansas, the fictional hometown of Superman, for the movie Man of Steel.
Working with MuseScore 4 and FL Studio
I love MuseScore 4. It’s great for laying things out and overall balance, and their free Muse Sounds are fantastic. For the past three tracks I’ve completed, 75 percent of the work has been in MS4.
Backyard invasion
The good people at Angry Pizza Entertainment–including my sister, Jen, and good friends John and Jesse–have released their first handheld game.