Donal MacLaughlin
Age 17
Donal is the younger of the two brothers. As a child his smile was as permanent a feature on his face as his eyes and nose.
He became sick before his eleventh birthday, and ever since he’s struggled with night terrors, an unnaturally short temper and other things he’s too afraid to share with others—even his brother, Finn.
Finn MacLaughlin
Age 20
Before his parents died, Finn wanted to learn everything about everything.
He had plans to become a monk and spend much of his days reading, writing and translating books. He volunteered to care for his younger brother and the family farm in the wake of his parent
Three years later, his previous life seems as much of a folk tale as the ones told by his parents and uncle when he was a boy.
Murrough MacMenamin
Age ~64
Murrough befriended the MacLaughlin family long before Finn and Donal were born, which is why boys have always considered him an uncle in spite of his age.
Murrough is the only remaining family the boys have after their parents’ passing.
Siobhan MacSweeney
Age 21
Siobhan’s is a child of perhaps the two biggest clans in Tyrconnell.
Her mother owns the land on which the MacLaughlin’s farm sits. When the MacLaughlin parents died, Mrs. MacSweeney struck a deal with the boys allowing them some leeway as boys settled.
Part of the arrangement included monthly visits from Siobhan, not just to collect rents but to teach and advise them. It wasn’t long before the three of them became friends.
The brothers are about to learn there was additional reason for her visits, and her lessons will take them a whole new direction.
Maeve O’Connor
Age 24
Maeve grew up in Tyrconnell, but she’s not from there.
Her parents moved away from County Roscommon when she was a girl. She spent childhood learning from her parents how to walk the woods in solitude.
She can hunt and track better than anyone you’ll meet.
Murrough’s friend, Niall MacRannell, calls upon her skills from time to time, but she’s never had to work within a team before now.
Niall MacRannell
Age 45
Niall has been Murrough’s closest friend for as long as the boys have been alive.
Niall would visit for at least one dinner whenever the boys came to visit Murrough in Dunfanaghy. Likewise, he’d pop in at the MacLaughlins whenever he was passing through Ards Beg.
Gavin O’Roarke
Age 27
Gavin, like Maeve, isn’t from Tyrconnell, and he’s more than someone who can strike hot metal with a hammer.
The locals around Dunfanaghy haven’t warmed up to him yet, despite his affable nature. His intelligence and resourcefulness allow him to craft armor and weapons unlike anything else made in Ulster.
Despite his proficiencies, he has sworn off raising any of his weapons in battle.