Photos: Driving in Suðurland

After spending a Friday evening visiting Geysir and Gullfoss, we took Skeiða-og Hrunamannavegur, a rural road north of Flúðir, back to a friend’s cabin. It was around 9:00 p.m., but as it was a week before the solstice, the sun was still three hours from setting.

Our drive was unexpectedly yet briefly interrupted by a herd of sheep. We were told that farmers during this time of year often let the sheep roam up the mountainsides to feed. In the fall, the farmers will head up to retrieve them.

Aside from our visit to Þjóðveldisbærinn, our only other experience inside any sort of turf house was dinner at Restaurant Mika in Reykholt, pictured below. The other photos were taken the following morning on our trip to and from Stöng.


Photos: Driving in Vesturland


Photos: The remnants (and restoration) of Viking life